For the past five years Power 97 and Chudd’s Powersports have teamed up for Knickers & Kickers: collecting new unused underwear and socks Siloam Mission.
In 2020, we won’t be able to accept in person donations, but the NEED remains.
Below is a list of their most needed items or consider donating online.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19, the closure of non-essential programs and limited storage space, Siloam is currently NOT accepting clothing donations in an effort to reserve space for the below urgently needed items.
Please make use of a face mask and gloves when dropping off items to the Shipping and Receiving Department, and practice social distancing with staff at all times (6 ft apart).
When you drop off your donation, please provide your contact information so that your gift can be acknowledged.
Current Needs:
– Shampoo, conditioner, & body wash (preferably travel-sized bottles, but full-sized are also gratefully accepted)
– Deodorant
– Razors
– Men’s and women’s underwear in various sizing (new, packaged)
– Hand sanitizer (with or without alcohol)
Online Wish List
You can now have urgently needed items shipped directly to Siloam via their Amazon wish list!
To receive a tax receipt for your donation please forward your electronic receipt to along with your full name, full address, and contact information — unless you wish to remain anonymous. Tax receipts are in CDN dollars and will not include PST, GST, or the shipping cost as per CRA guidelines. Tax receipts will be processed once the items are received at Siloam Mission. When placing the order please be sure to select delivery to Siloam Mission. Thanks!