Power 97 welcomes the Winnipeg Renovation Show to the RBC Convention Centre January 11th though 13th.
Your Project. Our Experts. Bring them together at the Winnipeg Renovation Show, January 11-13, 2019 at the RBC Convention Centre. From Mike Holmes Jr., contractor & co-host of Holmes + Holmes on HGTV Canada, appearing on The Lifestyle Stage, presented by EcoPoxy and The Winnipeg Free Press, to free consultations with the pros at Ask a Renovator, presented by the Manitoba Home Builders’ Association and Home Decor and Renovations Magazine, plus more than 230 home improvement companies to choose from, we have everything you need to make your home goals happen. Buy tickets online and save $3 courtesy of All Canadian Renovations at www.winnipegrenovationshow.com. Satisfaction guaranteed – or the price of admission is on us!
Tell us about your experience @wpghomeshows #WRS19